Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baby Gift!!!

Hey ...

I can't believe how long it has been since I actually did some sewing. This is what I did today amongst the many naps I took. I am excited because I am actually done this quilt before the baby shower!!! The bad thing is I am too sick to go to the shower.

Now that I look at it some more, I think the words should have been closer to the bottom left hand corner!!! I will remember this next time I make it! It was the easiest quilt to make and pretty cute too!!!

What have you been up to lately??

I washed/dried this quilt and it turned out perfect!!! I love using sheets. They wrinkle so well after they have been washed!!! It looks great!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This looks fantastic! I love the applique. That's something that I would like to do more of. Can't wait to see what else you've been doing.
